The 38 number symbolize advance in the material things but with the... 40 Number Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of the number 40 represents a situation in your life where you will try to maintain the balance, the stability or the security of your private and... 42 Number Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of the 42 number represents to balance a conflict, to sustain a desire of change and of personal force. Perhaps it refers to someone's initials. - For adults, the knowledge that you acquired knowledge in everyday life, sometimes the wrong time to apply, so you could apply as a know. If you dream depicts the school environment then it can mean you need to focus the present moment and enjoy it. (read all at source), My dream started with me in my room, & just above my bed on the wall, there was a small thin ,light green kind of brownish snake there, it was either a baby snake or a graden snake. What is up with all these recent searches. Discover you dream meanings with good grades. Often we do this kind of thing without even realizing it. Being on a bus with people from her grade symbolised her need to concentrate on her exams at a time when she was totally distracted. If in waking life, you attend school or are studying, this dream means that you are under stress and tension. (read all at source), Grade-symbolic of how well a person is doing in a certain area in life, James 3:1Grain-symbolic of God’s provision and blessing, Jer. You feel that you are being put to the test as to whether you are prepared or ready for these changes. plz tell me what does this dream mean , am i gonna fail ? You are a spirit/soul having a physical dream, not the other way around. Dreams of this nature are usually associated with the younger generation. How do you accept the recognition you receive in your dream? If you dream of getting excellent grades, this signifies you will succeed because you have a great deal of confidence and belief in yourself. (read all at source), CHAMOUN @ 2011-06-24 05:59:58i dreamt of my report card and it had an absence of my grades, it was like a report card only telling me what are the subjects i take ! Handful of gold - to temptation. Grades If you dream of getting excellent grades, you will succeed because you have a great deal of confidence and belief in yourself. Dream Meaning Good Grades. (read all at source), grade --- grocery storeFrom SpiritCommunityGold Dreaming about gold could be a reflection of concerns that you have about your most precious valuables or a reference to "alchemist's gold" which is usually spiritual in nature. (See Holy Grail) What are you longing to drink in? Copyright(c) 2020, Dream Meaning: Dreams Meaning and Interpretation, All rights reserved. Copyright © - 2020 (read all at source), If you dream about being recognized or rewarded by someone you want to impress, whether it is by achieving a good grade at school or an award at work, you may be feeling unappreciated in your waking life. The 47 number symbolizes reduction of mistakes... Dream Meaning Good Grades.

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