When talking about financial markets the term "black" typically means a disastrous day in the world of finance. Some people called this miserable event as Stock Market Crash of 1929 or Great Crash. And as retailers begin their holiday promotions earlier and earlier, there have even been efforts to change the name of the day before Black Friday to Gray, Brown or Black Thursday. The local police took to calling the day Black Friday because they had to deal with bad traffic and other miseries connected to the throngs of shoppers heading for the stores. It has been used in the following cases: February 6, 1851, Black Thursday, a day of devastating bushfires in Victoria, Australia September 18, 1873, during the Panic of 1873 when the U.S. bank Jay Cooke & Company declared bankruptcy, triggering a series of bank failures The New York Times first used the term Black Friday in an article in 1870 to refer to the day the gold market collapsed the year before. During the 20s, real estate values were on the continuous rise. So how is it that the term Black Friday has come almost universally to denote joyous commercial excess, stupendous deals and big profits on the day when people head out to shop for the holidays after Thanksgiving? Black Monday was the sell-off the day before the stock market crash of 1929, Black Tuesday, as well as the day of an even bigger crash in 1987. Needless to say, that usage didn’t sit well with local retailers. Black Wednesday was used to refer to a day of widespread air traffic snarls in 1954, as well as the day the British government was forced to withdraw a battered pound from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992. They want deals. October 24, 1929 is called Black Thursday, and October 29, 1929 is referred to as Black Tuesday. In the American history, it was considered as the most severe … read more, October 24, 1929 is called Black Thursday, and October 29, 1929 is referred to as Black Tuesday. The word “black” in front of a day of the week has almost never meant anything good. How can the word black be synonymous with Black Friday (Meaning stores are in the Black aka making money) and Black Tuesday (When essentially all … Blackout Tuesday: What is it - and why were people posting black squares on Instagram? read more, What Caused Black Tuesday Part of the panic that caused Black Tuesday resulted from how investors played the stock market in the 1920s. The most catastrophic stock market crash in the history of the United States, Black Tuesday took place on October 29, 1929 and was when the price of stocks completely collapsed. The word “black” in front of a day of the week has almost never meant anything good. They didn't have instant access to information like they do today. It was because of this day that the Roaring Twenties came to a stumbling halt and, in its place, was the Great Depression. Why not to eat meat and alcohol on Tuesday and Saturday? Why we do not eat non veg on Tuesday's or Thursdays'? Black Thursday is a term used to refer to negative events which occurred on a Thursday.

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